Latest Tamil News -PM Modi ranked 3rd-


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has received a massive global endorsement ahead of his debut appearance as Prime Minister of India at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, next month, as Zurich, Switzerland-based Gallup International has ranked him 3rd in its highly-regarded annual survey, Opinion of Global Leaders. The ranking puts India’s Prime Minister ahead of the likes of China’s Xi Jinping, the UK’s Prime Minister Theresa May, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump. The only two heads of state to have ranked higher than Prime Minister Narendra Modi are German Chancellor Angela Merkel and France’s new President Emmanuel Macron.The survey methodology detailed by Gallup International states that 53,769 persons were interviewed across dozens of countries. The respondents answer as to whether they have a favourable opinion of a particular leader or an unfavourable opinion. In the survey,Prime Minister Narendra Modi attained a 30% ‘favourable’ rating versus a 22% ‘unfavourable’. The net score is, therefore, +8.
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